Welcome! The Challenge of Decision Making Frameworks for Deciding Common Biases for Deciding Energy Bias…
Author: Energicial

What actions for you – and the world – to take to be happier today? (World Happiness Day)
This World Happiness Day, let’s celebrate well-being in all its forms, acknowledge the challenges, and take action to build a world where happiness isn’t just a one-day event, but a more attainable experience for all.

Use Energicial Intelligence For Your New Year’s Resolutions
You set your intentions. You make awesome new year’s resolutions. And then… … you want…

A Curious Substitute For Fun! (The List)
We are filled with personal energy. And our brains’ energy is primarily glucose, a type…

Predicting Is For The Birds!
We see a bird flapping its wings. Because we have memories from experiences with birds,…

Principles Of Prediction
The 12 principles of prediction are boldly presented, along with the definition of reprediction.

Introduction to Energicial Intelligence
This adaptation is from the introduction to the Energicial Intelligence book & video series. It provides a powerful overview of the key concepts and benefits.

The Energy Behind Your Decisions
Do We Suffer From Decision Fatigue, Or Is It Just A Survival Mechanism? Or, could…

Energicial Intelligence
Ab introduction to Energicial Intelligence, allowing us to overcome our built-in biases, and make better decisions.

Energicial Foundations
An intro: The concepts on energicial.com are based on scientific research, personal development theory and practices, along with holistic, biological, and functional principles.