You set your intentions. You make awesome new year’s resolutions. And then… … you want…
Category: Energicials
Energicial and related concepts.
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A Curious Substitute For Fun! (The List)
We are filled with personal energy. And our brains’ energy is primarily glucose, a type…
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Energicial Intelligence Cartoon – Panda Exercise
Cartoon image description: A photo-style cartoon, showing a lifelike panda is in a room with exercise equipment, saying “Making excuses not to exercise was taking up too much energy, so here I am!”. (AI assisted)
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Introduction to Energicial Intelligence
This adaptation is from the introduction to the Energicial Intelligence book & video series. It provides a powerful overview of the key concepts and benefits.
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The Energy Behind Your Decisions
Do We Suffer From Decision Fatigue, Or Is It Just A Survival Mechanism? Or, could…
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Energicial Intelligence
Ab introduction to Energicial Intelligence, allowing us to overcome our built-in biases, and make better decisions.