(The following is adapted from the introduction to the Energicial Intelligence book & video series)
You live in a world that you predict, real or artificial. Your brain monitors what is going on, and predicts what it expects to happen next. Your brain, similar to other brains, has been learning and improving prediction strategies since you were born.
Our brains take in our world, assess what has happened, and then build predictions. Over time, we learn to predict what will happen next, and take note of what we got wrong.
In the material prepared here and elsewhere, we will explore the predictive processes of the brain. We also will get into how managing our personal energy is one of our brain’s highest priorities. From there, we will cover predictions, and their involvement in our decisions.
Once we have the basics covered, we will move into improving our lives through using sometimes-hidden principles involved in decisions. Our “Energicial Intelligence” allows us to manage our decisions by managing one of the key biases which influence our behavior. You will get exposed to ideas and techniques on living in alignment with your brain’s priorities, as your conscious mind strives to “live your best life”.
Using the ideas and strategies here can help us increase awareness of what really sways us in some key primal ways. From that knowledge, we can make better decisions, and experience increased confidence in living our best lives.
We often experience ourselves being pulled into decisions which “don’t feel right” or in which we “are not being ourselves”. At times we don’t know exactly how to find the key reasons, or how to move forward.
However, many times the sway is tied to our brain working its survival bias, which we have our lofty life goals. And stuck in the middle, it seems, is our identity. But we can learn the principles involved, and apply them to our personal values, and confidently move forward.
There are ways, including using your biology, that you can open and allow more confidence in “you”.
You can center yourself with techniques to use your goals as both anchors, and as elevators. Ignoring low-level cravings and short-cut tendencies, your decisions can align with “you” and your higher-level life vision.
Let’s get started!
(And what is the “predicting panda TM“, and how does it relate to these concepts? The panda is a metaphor for how we have a silent, perhaps cute, and primitive partner as we make decisions. We have a need, and come up with options, aka choices, and we make predictions for how each choice will play out. Our actual intelligence, rather than artificial intelligence, uses a prediction of how much energy it will take to realize a chioce… to make it happen.
Our decisions come from how we evaluate the choices… so the predictions are a key piece we may miss. But you can’t easily miss a panda! More to follow on future posts and videos.)