You can nudge your human intelligence to be more aware of the energy behind your common and not-so-common decisions. Your brain makes decisions from the choices it considers.
What makes your brain rank choices, preferring some over others? It can come down to a factor usually not observed: the impact of using personal energy for each choice. Our built-in survival bias favors the option which uses the least amount of energy to carry out. This seems reasonable. And it is not the only factor in our decisions.
… it is one which has been shown to influence millions of bad decisions on a daily basis. (This number is extrapolated from studies on smaller sets of people). We want to eat healthy, yet some of us eat food which is full of sugar which we decided to avoid.
Our brains survival bias made us do it!
If only some part of our thinking was more intelligent. More aware of the personal energy survival bias. And if that part was able to intelligently spot and counteract the bias, we might be able to live the life we envision (rather than a life with decisions and actions we sometimes regret).
Enter Energicial Intelligence (TM). – shortened to “EI”
You are able to develop and improve yourself. Your brain is growing constantly. It is rewiring, yes, but also strengthening the wires it uses often.
By learning the concepts and techniques behind EI , you give yourself new wires to strengthen. Wires you can figuratively grab to rise above the survival and other biases which may negatively influence your choices, decisions, and actions.
This post is a short introduction to get you thinking about the possibility. Imagine making a decision which you feel uncomfortable with. And immediately after making it, you stop and use EI principles to re-cast the decision. Within moments, your brain is reset related to the choices, and the choice your conscious mind wants (i.e. supporting your goals and dreams) easily becomes the choice your brain’s bias also supports.
In short, you remove some of the obstacles to making great decisions, leading to actions you don’t regret. Energicial Intelligence is a practice, a framework for enabling this type of change. You can do it.