The concepts on are based on scientific research, personal development theory and practices, along with holistic, biological, and functional principles.
By monitoring your decisions as you make them, you have the opportunity to re-assess the key basis of the decision, and update your decisions if needed. We all do this type of re-thinking.
But the Energicial TM approach includes a focus on how our brains assess the personal energy needed to carry out the choices being considered. The brain tends to predict the energy needed based on ancient survival programming. Our conscious desires usually are not ones the brain considers as the best survival fit.
If the predictions our brains make are no aligned with our goals and dreams, what can we do?
As we will cover here, and as covered in the book, we can use decision reprediction to spot the personal energy biases behind the decisions and urges our brain pushes. As we spot them, we can use simple techniques such as overriding our brain’s first reaction to push for what we want. Or, we can use savvy tricks such as mentally overestimating our energy available, to relax our brain’s focus on energy… clearing the way for the brain to not resist a decision it would have.
It may seem complicated, as new ways and new thoughts can have that first impact. Yet it is easy, and the aim here is to make it fun and engaging, to make small shifts which can enable more happiness, less stress, and an increased ability to stay on track to the life you envision. In short, power-enabling your best life!